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Investigating Cognition in Intellectual Disability

The project is an international collaboration aiming to bring together researchers working on intellectual disability across different institutions in many countries around the world. Together, we will collect data forming a common database enabling a well-powered and comprehensive study of intellectual disability and cognition.

The core advisory group of the project decides on the main protocol that will be adopted by all participating research groups. All research groups joining the project will have an opportunity to propose additional exploratory research questions resulting in separate publications. The project is currently at the stage of protocol preparation and recruitment of research groups. If you think that this project sounds interesting and you could potentially join us, read on for more information and instructions on how to sign up.

More information

Here you can access our Project Goals Summary. Please note that the information presented may change slightly as the project progresses.

Here you can access our Code of Conduct.

Advisory Board

Project Coordinators

The Conceptualisation and Advisory Team

Join the Project

Why should you join the project

We take on a Big Team Science approach with a focus on collaboration and inclusion. All elements of the project, from its very conception, have been driven by collaborative efforts of experts in the field. Therefore, this project presents a fantastic opportunity to contribute to a thoroughly planned and organised project that aims to tackle pressing questions in the field of cognition and intellectual disability. The field currently struggles with issues around methodological heterogeneity and low statistical power. We can overcome these barriers together by joining forces and conducting a study that will have a real impact on the field’s development and future direction.

As a contributor, you will become a co-author on the main publications from the project. So far we predict at least two such publications. In addition, depending on your specific interests, you will have a chance to propose additional research questions or contribute to exploratory studies/analyses that may result in further publications and new collaborations for your team.

If you decide to collect data for the project, the project coordinators at Linköping University will be able to cover some minor costs such as the ethics application fee (if applicable) and costs of standardised tests for all participants.

Who can join the project

We are currently looking for teams of researchers who will be able to collect data on cognitive processes in school-aged individuals with intellectual disability.
In addition to data collection, the joining researchers will have an option to contribute to sub-teams on methodology development, ethics coordination, data analysis and validation.

Research groups interested in contributing to the project’s data collection will delegate at least two people forming Local Data Collection Groups. The Local Data Collection Group should include a PI or a local supervisor as well as at least one person who will conduct the research and collect data from participants. We place no restriction on the number of contributors at the Local Data Collection Group. However, the local PI or supervisor must inform the coordinating team on the number and specific roles and tasks assigned to their local Data Collection Group members. For example, who will be responsible for ethics and who will be responsible for data collection. This should be done right at the point of joining the collaboration and should be updated with the coordination team as soon as any changes take place. Collaboration is decided upon the following conditions:

The Local Data Collection Group:

  • thinks it is feasible (based on e.g. experience) to do data collection involving individuals with intellectual disabilities and using the data collection methods that are selected for the project - see methodological summary here
  • thinks it is feasible to recruit 20 participants with intellectual disability
  • can and will obtain a favourable opinion or approval from a research ethics review committee or an institutional review board.
  • can cover the financial expenses associated with staffing and equipment required to conduct data collection (the costs of some tests will be covered by the coordinating team at Linköping University).
  • can be involved in the project for its expected duration between June 2024 and December 2026. Note, however, that at some periods of time there may be no tasks for the Data Collection Group to complete.

If you are interested

You can fill out the expression of interest form.

Your expression of interest is non-binding. It just lets us know that you are interested and possibly able to collect the data as part of the project.
After you express interest, you will be informed about an onboarding meeting. You will then be able to decide as to whether this project is for you or not.

The deadline to complete the expression of interest is the 28th of September 2024.

If you have questions about the project

Don’t hesitate to contact us on coind-project@liu.se if you have any questions about the project.